You may take out loans to purchase various items throughout your lifetime, such as a car, a house, or to pay for your child’s college tuition. A loan modification involves modifying the terms of an existing loan, typically to make it more affordable for you as a borrower who might be in danger of defaulting, sometimes due to a scheduled rate increase or a job loss. For instance, you might want to pursue this route to avoid foreclosure on your house. It is important to note that a loan modification is not the same as refinancing a mortgage. In certain situations, you may also be allowed to file for bankruptcy. By combining these efforts, or by simply electing one of these options, you may be able to keep your home by lowering mortgage payments, avoiding default, and obtaining a way out of debilitating debt. A skilled lawyer can help ensure you take the correct legal steps to secure a promising financial future.
Typically, any type of loan comes with terms that outline how and when it should be paid by the borrower. Here are a few examples of the terms that can be amended through a loan modification:
A modification changes the terms of a current loan. It does not require the same level of credit rating that may be needed for refinancing, but you must show that you have enough income to make the altered payments, even if they are lowered. You may qualify for an Illinois loan modification on your mortgage if:
An experienced lawyer can review the key elements of your mortgage, your financial standing, and your home’s appraised value to see if you are a good candidate for a loan modification.
Life can throw curveballs, such as a job layoff or an unplanned illness or injury. Sometimes, a change in circumstances can lead to financial trouble. If you or someone you know is having a difficult time making payments on a loan, it is crucial that you seek professional legal guidance to explore your options. For more than 20 years, the Thomas Law Office has helped clients keep their homes by avoiding foreclosure. Our dedicated Kane County loan modification attorneys will review the terms of your loan to see if you are eligible for a modification. To schedule a confidential consultation, call us today at 847-426-7990.